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i think it’s really cute how on some level we all kind of believe in magic. you can practically wish upon anything whether it’s a shooting star, a fallen eyelash, or even a dandelion. somehow kissing your true love is bound to save the day. cool rocks and flowers can be used for different kinds of magic. even just the concept of people who can conduct magic is adorable. the belief in magic is literally apart of everyday life whether you choose to see it or not and if that’s not the cutest shit idek what is

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Author: Penny Wilder

Penny Wilder is a queer human who writes and reads far too many books. She lives near Minneapolis, Minnesota with her husband and four cats. Her favorite thing to do at the end of a very long day is to curl up with her tablet and read. She does bookkeeping for nonprofits by day, and by night moonlights as a blogger, artist, illustrator, actor, director, performer, and also sometimes as a business manager for a fledgling theater company. (Not all at once though, because that would be crazy!) She has spent a good deal of her life working in theater; either onstage as a performer, or backstage doing just about every job imaginable. Her love of writing dates back almost as far as her love of reading.

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