If you’re wanting to show your displeasure, don’t just tag staff or support. Take a page out of other consumer revolts and make sure your displeasure is known.
Don’t be an idiot. Do not threaten, harass or otherwise make this personal. Contact these companies, make your displeasure known, alert them that you are a customer and you will be leaving their brand across all boards unless they reverse their decision.
Be clear, be concise, be polite, but make your displeasure known.
- Email: support@tumblr.com
- Mail: 35 E. 21st St., 9th FloorNew York, NY10010
- Twitter: @tumblr
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tumblr/
Oath Inc
- Email: –
- Mail: 770 BroadwayNew York, NY 10003United States
- Twitter: @oath
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OathBrands
- Email: –
- Mail: 1095 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013
- Twitter: @VerizonNews
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/verizon/
Note the following properties owned by Oath Inc. Bring them up explicitly in your statement of leaving their services.
- Yahoo and all Yahoo Subsidiaries (Yahoo News, Yahoo Mail, etc)
- TechCrunch
- HuffPost
- Flurry
- Kanvas
- Endgadget
- AutoBlog
- Makers
- Build
- Ryot
- BuiltByGirls
- Outlook
- X-Box
New Info Will Be Added As I’m Made Aware Of It
Edit: This does nothing if it isn’t shared around