We’ve been running a series this month to help you avoid clichés, tropes, and stereotypes in your writing. Today, Wrimo Alice de Sampaio Kalkuhl shares her top 3 tips for making your writing glow with originality:
It’s August, and if you participated in Camp NaNoWriMo, then you just finished a month of writing. You’re reading back through what you wrote (even though everybody told you to put it aside for a while), or have given it to beta readers, and maybe you’re finding that your main character sounds a lot like the one from that book you were reading when you were about to start writing your Camp project, or there’s a scene that could have been pulled from the movie you watched a few weeks ago. If some things are feeling too familiar while re-reading your work, you may have fallen into the cliché trap. Getting out of it is easy: You simply rewrite some scenes, putting a twist on each cliché you found.