To Scribd, or Not To Scribd? That is the Question.

So… I signed up for Scribd. I am still in my trial month. In case you have been living under a rock and are thinking, “Penny, what in the dickens is Scribd?” Scribd is an essentially a digital library via tablet and web app. Subscribers can pay a monthly subscription fee of $8.99 to have access to Scribd’s library to read an unlimited number of books a month. Check out Scribd’s about page for more information. I love the concept of a “Netflix for books”, but I was and still am a little uncertain of the execution. I went with Scribd because unlike similar app Oyster, which is only available as and app on Apple scribdhomedevices, Scribd is available for Android and Apple users. Oyster also costs more, but that wasn’t really a consideration for me, since I have an Android tablet. I hope that by signing up for Scribd, I am not contributing to the decline of the publishing world, or robbing participating authors and publishers blind. So far, in order to validate my subscription, at least in my mind, I have approached my reading of books on Scribd by choosing to read things that I probably would not have bought otherwise.  That way, no one is missing out on any royalties from yours truly that they would normally have received, and anything they do receive is a bonus. I am well aware that this is not a completely sound rationale, but for now, it is making me feel better about doing it.

That being said, I signed up for Scribd on January 18th, and so far I’ve read 18 books. Seriously Penny? Yeah. 18 books in 16 days. I realize I am not the target demographic that Scribd is looking for. If everyone read like me, Scribd would be bankrupt. Since I do have a husband and occasionally a life outside of reading, I will probably not continue to read at the rate of 1.13 books per day, (I admit to gorging myself like a kid in a candy store for these first 16 days),  but I will probably consistently read more than what my $8.99 a month subscription will pay for.

So, after 16 days of use, here are my thoughts:

Things I still have questions about.

In conclusion, I’m not sure what I want to do. From my standpoint, I like Scribd and it is worth the subscription fee for me to continue. However, I know that if I continue the subscription, I will still buy books, but I will buy fewer books. If a lot of people do the same thing, that could really affect the publishing world. I’m going to keep a close eye on things while I try to figure out if Scribd is an experiment that I want to participate in or not, and I will post updates is I find out any new information about author pay, publisher deals, or piracy. I am also really interested to know what you think. Authors, publishers, Scribd users, leave me a comment, please.

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