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Strand Books: Three major publishers reach $69M settlement


This past spring, the Justic Department filed an antitrust suit over eBook price fixing. At the time of the suit, HarperCollins, Hachette, and Simon & Schuster resisted blame, holding that they had done nothing wrong. (1) And, well, have they?

What’s the true value of an eBook these days?

Strand Books: Three major publishers reach $69M settlement

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Author: Penny Wilder

Penny Wilder is a queer human who writes and reads far too many books. She lives near Minneapolis, Minnesota with her husband and four cats. Her favorite thing to do at the end of a very long day is to curl up with her tablet and read. She does bookkeeping for nonprofits by day, and by night moonlights as a blogger, artist, illustrator, actor, director, performer, and also sometimes as a business manager for a fledgling theater company. (Not all at once though, because that would be crazy!) She has spent a good deal of her life working in theater; either onstage as a performer, or backstage doing just about every job imaginable. Her love of writing dates back almost as far as her love of reading.

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